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Play Along Books
The Panoramic View by Aaron Cote (download)
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Aaron Abrahamson Cote's 4th original collection, The Panoramic View, is a series of 20 charts written for Steel Pan by a Pannist in an effort to feature the instrument in front of a Caribbean Jazz combo. This publication features a majority of Afro-Cuban and Calypso tunes, along with a few other Caribbean styles. The charts are transcribed in lead sheet style notation complete with melody & chords for the rhythm section. Arrangements are suggested, but like any lead sheet, open to interpretation. Backing tracks were programmed note-for-note by the composer with great care, giving solo pannists a quality play-a-long experience in a vast range of styles & tempi to create the perfect mood for any event. Most tracks allow the soloist to play through the entire song arrangement with room for improvised solos. All tunes fit on a 2.5 octave C lead pan, but transfer easily to other instruments. While there are some easy and medium level tunes, this collection is the most advanced of Cote's 4 original books. Be sure to check out Sea Breeze, Chasing Summer, and Put It Behind You to find the depth of Cote's works in a range of Reggae to Funk, Bossa Nova, and other styles! Have a blast exploring The Panoramic View!
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